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Brewing Processing Aids

  • advice on how to optimize and improve your brews
  • supply of the materials to do so 

We can help. 

Improve your beer shelf life with these Brewing Processing Aids: 

Papain NDB3 800

  • 10 times more active than Collupulin MG!
  • Easy handling & heat stable – powdered form of proteolytic enzymes extracted from the fruit of the papaya tree
  • Add at fermentation to protect your beer against chill haze and extend its shelf life. 

Antioxidant–  Murphy & Sons METABS – A source of sulphur dioxide in easy to use tablets.   These tablets provide an easily measured method for the addtion of sulphur dioxide. One tablet per hectolitre gives a theoretical addition of 11.5 ppm of SO2. 

  • Add at the filter to extend beer shelf life. 
  • Used to remove chlorine from mains water. 

Please contact us for more information.

Palmers brewery have been using Metabs for over 20 years. Metab tablets are a simple and effective way to extend beer shelf life and stability. Simple easy handling and no need for weighing out. Metabs are stable at room temperature in handy 5 kg pales. An easy and convenient way to get good Sulphur Dioxide levels in beer.

Darren Batten

Head Brewer, Palmers brewery