private label beer consultancy material supply

Understanding beer in Vietnam

Vietnam beer market background

June 2012 – Let’s start off with a few quotes from beer producers in the region.  Vietnam “has 90 million people whose average age is 28 years and love to guzzle beer,” said Yoshiyuki Mochida, who heads Tokyo-based Sapporo’s international business.  Christopher Kidd, regional director of Singapore-listed Asia Pacific Breweries Ltd, which makes Heineken and Tiger […]

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Vietnam beer brands and distribution

July 2012 – Despite the growing presence of international brewers, local firms continue to dominate the market in terms of volume. Primarily these are the state-owned Sabeco and Habeco which between them control 50-60% volume share depending on whose numbers you look at. As an aside, if we add the claimed volume shares of all the […]

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The brewers in Vietnam – Focus on Sabeco

Saigon Beer Alcohol Beverage Corporation (SABECO) – July 2012 Founded as Cho Lon Beer Factory under France’s Brasseries et Glacières d’Indochine (BGI), the Group was acquired by The Ministry of Foods after “liberation” in 1975 and became the Saigon Beer Company in 1977.  Sabeco was created 2003 from the amalgamation of Saigon Beer Company, Binh […]

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